Currently, the interest is shifting towards electronic games.
I've invented over 200 games. They are implemented in the form of computer 3D concept models (Autodesk 3DStudio MAX) of these games - in the form of versions for smartphones, tablets, computers and GameBoy.
These games are very entertaining and entertaining. They contain a target menu (task bar). The initial disposition of game elements with plot fragments is changed by clicking on the menu. The game contains a huge number of situations.
The developed game algorithms allow you to change the meaning and represent any story, including the military with different themes and design. Created games of varying degrees of complexity. They are equally interesting for both children and adults. Games are extremely gambling, entertaining and stimulate the brain to work hard.
Development of these Games and commercialization through the Internet is a profitable business.
These games will be the bestsellers.
The picture shows a sample of one game – “Heuristic Solitaire”.